A Backyard Study
:: A Backyard Study ::
Everything is in its full glory of spring around these parts. We literally went from winter to summer in the span of three days. The trees of burst forth with green leaves, my flowering plants are blooming, and the dandelions are plentiful. We may just start a dandelion farm because our property looks like a truffula forest ( The Lorax book reference). The air is thick with pollen and the days are getting longer. The perfect time of year to plant a garden.
We planted our first garden in our new home last week. After weeks of back breaking digging and raking the plot was ready. I have been dreaming of this day for so many years and now it is here.
We planted lettuce, spinach, cherry tomatoes, heirloom tomatoes, big boy tomatoes, green bell peppers, jalapeño peppers, yellow squash, zucchini, cucumber, and watermelon. We hope to have zinnias, chamomile, calendula, and echinacea.
They are little right now but things are growing slowly.
I also have herbs planted in pots and I am going to be planting some blueberry bushes soon.
I am not a woman to be trusted around a plant sale or farmers' market.
The nice thing about starting with a property with very little on it is that it is ours for the making. We are free to find the perfect trees, plants, and bushes to make the place our own.
The chickens had to wait another year with so much on our plate these days as we slide into the last month of school. I couldn't bring myself to start another project especially since I am the queen of projects.
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