Mindful Monday

{ Mindful Monday} 

:: reading- Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. It was a recommendation by a friend and so far I like how it addresses our creative nature and how we can really tap into it.  

:: listening to - I have been listening to the comedian, Jim Gaffigan. He is so funny and I love his bits about raising children. 

:: watching- my children especially my youngest boy build with blocks and play quietly with such intent and concentration. It is amazing and I am always wondering what is going on in their minds as they play. 

:: studying- we have been studying the early people of the world and the nomadic peoples in home-school. It is so fun to re-learn about this part of history with my oldest girl. 

:: creating- knitting a cowl for myself and finished two over-sized pillow covers for our home. I am also finishing up a small wristlet to add to my collection that I will be putting on Etsy. 

:: cooking- we had penne in a homemade vodka with salad. The children ate every last bit of it so I will consider this meal a success. 

:: educating - I have started a list of books that I would like to read in this next year that we push my brain. A little self-educating. 

:: feeling- rested after a weekend of home time and visiting family. And accomplished on this Monday evening. So much done today and it was Monday! 

:: thinking - of Christmas and Advent. I always feel ill-prepared for Advent. This year I want to take the time and really enjoy the season. It is the perfect time to slow down especially when the rest of the world is in a hurry. Any recommendations? Books? Projects?

fun little photo from Halloween

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