Yarn Along

{ Yarn Along }

Some early morning knitting with my little ones in tow after a long mostly sleepless night of soothing a teething 18 month old. Today will call for lots of coffee and patience. 

Knitting: almost finished knitting hat number one and two more to go. I have to keep heads warm during the winter. I think I might start something for myself as well. 

Reading: I am reading The Cleaner of Chartres by Salley Vickers and of course, Richard Scarry with the littles. I also picked up a great homeschooling publication, Wild + Free. Check it out. I can't say enough about it. 

Happy Knitting. 

joining Ginny of Small things


  1. I will pray that patience and a long nap happens for you :) lovely knitting!!

  2. Do start something for yourself. Have a great restful day.

  3. Richard Scarry never gets old does he?

  4. Your hats sound fun! I love your blog header!

    And Richard Scarry ~ so fun!

  5. Oh no, sorry about your night. I hope you made it through your day okay, and that everyone sleeps soundly tonight.

  6. I love the colour of the hat you are working on :) and sorry to hear the teething troubles, hopefully everyone will get some much deserved rest - jenny xx www.thegeekyknitter.co.uk

  7. Is Wild + Free a magazine or book? I'm interested in learning more about it.

    I hope you get some more sleep, both for the knitting, and the homeschooling!

    1. It is a magazine and online resource/community. I love it because I am new to homeschooling and need a community to lean on. It is a really nice magazine too.


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