It is beginning to feel like summer
{ It is beginning to feel like summer }
The sun languishes in the sky longer and longer each day. The winds are warm and sweet scented with the big blooms and cut grass. It is beginning to feel like summer around our parts.
Our oldest gal is finishing the last days of her first year of schooling. It is an exciting time for our family as we gear up to have everyone at home. I am planning out activities, trips, writing and art activities, play-dates, and just time to be free of any type of work or responsibility. We also have a move somewhere in the summer, it is lurking in the background and right now I am choosing to ignore it for a while longer. I am putting together a summer journal for the family to keep and add to each day.
It is a really magical time of year because the days are long and full of so many times that are ripe for memory making. I love these wonderful days of sun.
We went strawberry picking on a morning during the week. It is was an empty field, warm breeze, and lovely big red strawberries. I was in my happy place and so were the kids as they ran up and down the rows.

A local weekend night out in our town. We played tourists by eating at a local wood-fired pizza place and I had the neatest local beer. The book worm in me squealed with joy when they brought me the bottle of Tell-Tale Heart IPA. Edgar Allan Poe is one of my favorites and he is buried not too far from where we live.
Summer/Spring cleaning of my work space.
A quiet moment in the morning with my boy.
love seeing you and what you've been doing. Summer days are here finally!