Mindful Mondays

{ Mindful Mondays }

 A series on Mondays (as often as possible) that calls all things I am doing, thinking, and creating.

:: reading- An Appetite for Violets by Martine Bailey 

:: listening to - some little birds outside my window. It is almost 60 degrees and I couldn't bare not to fling open the windows and let in the light and air! 

:: studying- graduate school applications. It is time to get back in the saddle. ( I think) Now to decide what I want to do. I am thinking of a completing a graduate certificate in Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching. 

:: creating- a lap quilt. I can't decide whether I want to keep it or sell it. 

:: cooking- homemade chili and cornbread with some leftovers from our son's birthday party. 

:: educating - myself on the options of home schooling on oldest next year. It is an internal battle I am having right now. We are moving and I am thinking that everyone would be happier if we took the plunge and did it. Any advice would be welcome! 

:: feeling- happy because the temperatures are finally warming up and I can feel spring as it begins to creep into my soul. 

:: thinking - about what I can else can be downsized in our home. We are on a minimalist path right now and since we are moving in the summer, I figured it would be the best time to cleanse our things and refresh everything. I feel better with less stuff and I never thought I would feel that way. 

On another note, Congratulations to Cathie  J. who won my little giveaway of the a free book! 

If you would like to link up then leave your comments and link to your blog below and reference my blog on Mindful Monday post. Thanks for joining up! 


  1. We enjoyed a beautiful day here too, and yes the windows were open. I didn't realize you were moving again. Is it a big move? If you want to chat homeschooling let me know, it's a topic I love talking about :)


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