Yarn Along

{ Yarn Along : January }

I finished the Milo Sweater Vest last week and later in the week I put it on our little guy. Lo and behold it is a perfect fit (almost too good). I don't suspect he will wear it for long but that is okay because he looks super cute and I can always save it for any future babies. Almost done my Downton Cowl with only one more set of lace to do. It is knitting up nicely and I love the color of yarn. I am thinking of starting another shawl but I might knit up some hats and little doll sweaters for the kiddies. Oh the possibilities. 

I finished reading Big Little Lies. It was a good read. Not my favorite book and I had a hard identifying with any of the characters but it had a great plot twist so I ended up liking it but not loving it. I am finally starting Lost Lake by Sarah Addison Allen. She is one of my favorite authors and I love all her books. So, I know that she won't disappoint. I have been saving this book because I hate reading some good and then waiting for months or even years until the author writes another. 

My Himalayan Salt Lamp is finding a renewed place in my heart these past few weeks as the weather has become cold and dark. It just cheers me up looking at it. 

Joining up with Ginny of Small Things


  1. Lovely knits. I love my salt lamp :)

    1. Thank you. I am really feeling the benefits of the salt lamp and it brings such warmth into our home on these cold winter days.

  2. I haven't read any of her books but they are on my to read list. Love the vest and how sweet he looks in it!!

    1. I really like Ms. Allen and her books. They are just enough story for me when I just want to read something nice and light and the stories are set in the south. ( which I hold close in my heart)

  3. i've had big little lies on my bookshelf for awhile.....worth the read, huh????

    1. Yes. I would say give it a try. Like I said, I don't love it but there is a good plot twist and that is always fun when reading.

  4. Oh the possibilities indeed we could probably find enough knitting to do until the end of our days.........your current project looks lovely :)

    1. I always think that. I have enough to knit all the days of my life:)

  5. Great knits! Your cowl is lovely and your little guy is so handsome in his vest.

  6. So sweet is that face looking up! And he looks so handsome in his vest and jeans. :)

    1. Thank you. I couldn't believe that it fit him so perfectly almost a little too snug! He is my big boy.

  7. Such a sweet little Milo vest. He looks adorable!

  8. The milo vest is so cute on your little guy, I love that pattern. I will have to look up your book.

  9. The milo vest looks adorable on your little guy. I love the downton cowl, too. I just posted a link to the Downton Abbey book I was reading.

  10. looks lovely, that milo!! good books are such a blessing to us! Keep warm!!

  11. I love milo vests - they always look cute on little people :) ...knitting for dolls must be fun - I remember knitting vests for all my teddy ears when I was little :D


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