{ Weekends }
I am starting off 2015 on the right foot by blogging more and what better way then to share our first weekend of the year.
:: Friday afternoon haircuts and shoe shopping
:: lunch with my grandmother and the kiddies great-grandmother
:: yummy homemade pizza and movie (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang)
:: date night in of scrabble, whiskey and Diana Krall radio
:: sleeping in on Saturday morning
:: household chores
:: Surprise Birthday Party for my brother (I am the oldest and the shortest)
:: NFL playoff football for my husband and 2015 budget organizing for me
:: Mass & breakfast
:: getting ready for the regular work/school week
:: quiet candlelit dinner with the family
:: Downton Abbey Season 5 & tea
Joining Karen of Pumpkin Sunrise
I love scrabble! wasn't downton good?? I love a soap opera :) Loved seeing you and the kids and the happiness!