Mindful Mondays

:: Mindful Mondays:: 

I have been wanting to get back into my Mindful Mondays but things have been a bit more hectic than I had planned this year. But since the seasons are beginning to change and soon the days will get cooler and night a little longer I feel like it is the perfect time to land back in the blogging nest. A little housekeeping and tidying up for Autumn. It is my favorite time of year. 

:: in my kitchen - the last of the summer tomatoes and peaches. A peach pie. Breakfast items out and preparing for breakfast for dinner night. The girls favorite. 

:: on my bedside table- Dad is Fat by Jim Gaffigan. So funny and sarcastic but yet so full of love for his family. 

:: on my knitting needles- 2 sweaters for little ones and extra fluffy cowl for me

:: on my sewing table- last bits of a big comfy floor pillow, bathroom organizer wall hanging, and some felt for a little guy tabletop play mat. 

:: on my yard-  the slow pace of a garden that is living its last few weeks in the sun. Happy little sparrows eating at the feeder. A sprinkling leaves eager for autumn. 

:: on my radio- Lorenna McKennitt. She seems fitting for this time of year.

:: on my heart- my husband. Tomorrow we celebrate 8 years of marriage. 

:: on my thoughts and prayers- all those who lost a loved one this summer especially those who have lost a spouse. 

:: on my mind- so many little bits and pieces. Plans and plans being rearranged. Decisions that will need to be made and guidance sought. Autumn. The beautiful time of year when the earth conjures up this spell of peace and change. The slowing heartbeat toward a cold winter. It is truly bewitching. 

A little shout out to my sister in law, Jennifer. Happy Birthday! 

If you would like to link up and share in Mindful Mondays. Please do. Comment and just link back to my page. 


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