
:: Weekends ::

:: Friday night was pizza and hanging out of doors with my family
:: Saturday morning was full of pitting cherries and steaming fresh peas. I am starting to fill up my pantry and freezer with goodies. 
:: Recipe for Sour Cherry Cobbler 
:: Cutting and tying up fresh cut up lavender for drying 
:: Evening spent out with my hubby while the kiddies visited with my parents for an overnight 
:: quiet Sunday morning reading the paper drinking coffee and having a lie-in 
:: late morning Mass 
:: Afternoon and Evening spent at my parents for swimming and dinner  

Just a fabulously fun weekend before a short week and holiday weekend. 

Joining Karen of Pumpkin Sunrise


  1. Pizza on Fridays is one of my favorites! I can't imagine pitting all those cherries. But the end result is totally worth it. Sounds like a lovely weekend.

  2. I had pizza Friday night but it was in a restaurant :) Lovely cherries! We were picking wild raspberries yesterday during out walk, pick one, eat one, repeat. Glad you had an evening without the kids!

  3. Sounds like a great weekend! Enjoy your week.

  4. Your weekend sounds so nice. My husband loves cherries, but I haven not been able to grow them here, it's just too hot. I bet your home smells so wonderful with lavender hanging to dry.


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