Yarn Along

:: Yarn Along ::

I finished my hat in the long car rides over the past weekend and just happened to have the perfect flower to adorn it. It ended up being a lot bigger than I expected so I flipped the brim on one side and pinned the flower. I'll put up some better pictures next week when my hubby can take them. All in all it turned out pretty well. 

I also made some progress on my own pattern and should be finished it by the end of the month. So- keep an eye out for the pattern. I would have gotten more knitting done but we found out that our youngest gets motion sick in the car and I ended up taking care of her most of the way. We traveled 1400 miles in the last 7 days and sadly have not found a rental that suits us. I am beginning to get frustrated and we will have to make another trip later next month to look again. At least I'll get a lot of knitting done! Keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we search for our last military rental. Two more years and then we are done and we can build/buy our farmette! 

I am still reading The Reservoir and it is beginning to drag a bit. I am sticking with it for now. 

Happy Knitting xo.

Joining Ginny of Small Things


  1. Love the hat, and the flower is the perfect addition.

  2. Oh your hat looks lovely, love the flower. Sorry about the house hunting, fingers crossed you find something on your next trip.

  3. Your hat is gorgeous and so is the model!! Love car rides and knitting :)

  4. Thank you! I am loving this hat. Too bad it is too warm to wear it!


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