What we did today....

:: What we did today ::

We spent the day doing a bunch of different things (i.e. mommy did some much needed cleaning) and we were able to enjoy a little backyard time. Just a normal day in the life. I wanted to share a craft I stumbled upon from the blog Under the Sycamore, fabric-covered jars. They are so easy to make and it was a fun craft for the girls and I to make together. ( And that hanging shelf is definitely going to be made and hung in my kitchen) We also found out that we got the house we have wanted and we are moving next month! So much to think about and do, it is a very exciting time in our home. 

first tomatoes of the season 

fabric covered jars 

our future home


  1. Your new home looks lovely..look at the woodland, amazing!!

    I have those fabric jars on my list of things to do and the hanging shelf in the window, done already :) I love it! Hubby made it for me.

    1. Thank you. It will be ours for two years or so. Our last stop before finally buying something and settling. But for now, this is perfect! We already named it "Little House in the Big Wood"

  2. I love how it is nestled in the woods, a beautiful place for a family to life. And you have a porch! I wish I had a big one. Congrats!

  3. Your house is absolutely adorable! Congratulations and best of luck with the move!


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