Our Weekend

:: Our Weekend ::

* Friday started with a tea party to celebrate our homeschooling week "Tt" 
* we had our usual pizza and movie night 
* the weather changed drastically from Friday to Saturday ( hot to cold)
* Saturday morning yard sale with my neighbors ( somehow I ended buying things and selling things)
* Rain, Rain, Rain
* lots of birthday sewing since this week is my oldest gal's 4th birthday 
* Potato Leek Soup and crusty bread to warm us up 
* Daddy and girls assembling a new bicycle 
( My oldest, E, was having trouble pedaling on Saturday night. Sunday morning she told us the problem was this chain on it. We had to explain it was a bicycle chain to make it work. I tried hard not to laugh but it was too funny. She is always thinking)
* Sunday morning rituals 
* Grocery shopping and plant shopping
* afternoon gardening 
* more sewing 
* early bed for all

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! 


  1. Looks like a lovely little tea party. Soup made an appearance here too this weekend, it just felt right with the cool spring days we had.

    Have a lovely week!

  2. We had a dramatic temp change too, now it's freezing outside! Funny about the bike chain....kids!!


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