Homeschool on Tuesday

:: Home school on Tuesday ::

Tuesday is usually the day I share what we are doing in our home school lessons. This is my first year in home school in any formal sense. Sometimes we blunder through activities or "lessons" that I think will work out beautifully and instead they fall short or end in disaster. Other times things go better than I could imagine. I have been using different styles and methods to introduce my gal to the wonderful world of learning. It still amazes me when we tells me something or grasps a concept or idea. It is a blessing to teach my children and watch their minds grow. 

On the flip side, I am also being taught about patience, perseverance, and love. Home school is more than teaching the basics, it is the formation our relationship as mother and daughter. It is also teaching me to stand up for what I believe in even in the face of disagreement over the merits of homeschooling . I don't know if we will always home school and that is okay with me.  I am living for the here and now. I am holding on to these moments when they are small because I know in a blink of an eye they will grow up into beautiful young women and go out into the world. 

Learning about the letter "Ss" 

We made sunflowers with real sunflower seeds in the center 

Alphabet Bag: the letter Ss 

Planted flowers in honor of Spring 

Macaroni Art 


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