Yarn Along

:: Yarn Along :: 

Joining Ginny of Small Things

This week is entitled "She made very little knitting progress". I did finish another section of my blanket and it is shaping up to be a long project but the pattern in easy and I like the big knitting needles. I keep reminding myself that it will be be super cute once finished. I am about half way done my Indian Summer Shawl but I didn't really work on it this week. It is also an easy knit and I recommend it. But alas, for some strange reason I got it into my head this weekend to knit a pair of legwarmers. Do I need legwarmers right now? No. But I do love them. I started work on Some Cloudy Day Legwarmers. I taught myself about the magic loop methods and realized that when starting a new pattern do NOT try and watch a movie too. Tiny Owl Knits is awesome. I love everything she has designed. All the knitting patterns are Alice in Wonderland meets pastoral beauty. Love. Love. Love. 

Oh, and did I mention that my oldest gal wants a sweater. So, I think I will have to put that in the queue  until later. All I really wanted to do this past weekend was curl up and knit but spring cleaning and warm weather called my name. I am a sucker for sunny warm days. My oldest gal also wants me to teach her to knit but she will only be four years old in April. Any recommendations? 

Still reading, The Weird Sisters. I like the book even though they family is dealing with their mother who battles cancer. It does depict how families deal with illness and life. I also love all the Shakespeare entwined in the story. I am still reading my Taproot too. I like to savor each article and think on it. 

Happy Knitting! 


  1. I will keep you company in the little progress group! Big projects take longer and I need to be at peace with that. Hopefully this week will be more productive. my to do knitting list keeps growing too :)

  2. Well that is an interesting title! REading taproot too here and there:-) I just love legwarmers too. Feel free to join my weekly mem, Let's Get Stitched live on my blog now!

  3. I got very little knitting done this week, too. I'll join the club along with you. ;-)

  4. You do have some lovely patterns on the needles. I love the leg warmers and am going to have to add them to my list.
    Spring is here too which is really cutting into my knitting time. Oh well, soon it will be too hot to go out so I can make up for lost time.

  5. those legwarmers are wonderful. you are right about her patterns. it is hard to pass up a lovely day, i don't blame you. :)

  6. Wouldn't you know it - another Wednesday and another shawl to add to my Ravelry library! Love it

  7. Taproot, how wonderful. My hubby says mine is waiting for me at home, can't wait to read it.

    My little man is four and I have just taught him how to two finger knit, he loves it and I think it is a great place to start with little ones. Youtube is great for showing you how.


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