A quiet moment...
:: A Quiet Moment ::
This morning was our first full morning of homeschooling. It was a success! Before Christmas I decided that it was about time we started doing a full morning of activities and learning. It took me a little longer than anticipated to get us up and running after the holidays. But we made it. I feel like I am always saying that we have changed our routine or rhythms but life is about evolving and growing.
This year we are not following a set curriculum because both my children are young but it certainly doesn't mean we can't learn the basics. I have adapted Montessori methods to fit our home with the help of a great e-book entitled, Montessori at Home. We are doing seated work and a little bit of Waldorf also. Eclectic would be the word to best describe my methods. Today was the first day of full morning learning where I really felt like we were on the right track and clicking on all cylinders. Ah! Success. My eldest girl is starting to recognize words and read them to me and my little peanut is using paints to create. These are the days when I think that no mountain in homeschooling is too big to climb. Today is a good day.
On a related note, I found that a group of like-minded mamas meet with their children at our local state park for a home school group once a month. Yay!
"Ll" Week
practicing tracing the letter "L" |
learning "L" words |
It might be cold outside but it doesn't mean we can't practice pouring and measuring. |
we made ladybugs and landscapes |
displaying our day's work |
Looks like a fun morning.