:: 2013 :: 

We have rung in the new year with much excitement for the upcoming days and months. I love the start of a new year because it feels like you can just start over and get a fresh start on your life. The house is clean and the weather is lovely enough to go outside and relax...here's to a new year! 

My 2013 Resolutions...

1. Eat more whole grains and less meat

2. Complete the online Apothecary course I received for Christmas

3. Being running again

4. Take 2 hikes a month with the family 

5. Open my much awaited Etsy shop 

6. Say the Rosary more often

7. Attend Yoga 

8. Lose weight 

9. Journal more often

10. More date nights with hubby 


  1. Lucky you on the Apothecary course. Is the one with Laura Emily? Enjoy, can't wait to hear how it goes.

    Happy New Year!!!


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