Yarn Along


:: Yarn Along ::


Joining Ginny of Small Things


November 2012 001


November 2012 004


November 2012 005


November 2012 003


With the holidays right around the corner, I am spending a lot of time on the needles. The girls sweaters are coming along nicely and I think they will be done before long. I have begun work on two scarves, one for me and one for James. I decided that every little girl needs an elf hat and these are quick little knits. I just have to decide on yarn. I am still reading The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake by Aimee Bender. It is an interesting read but I have to say I am not sure where the story is going exactly. My husband and I have decided to start reading the Hobbit together after the holidays. I know we won't get to see the movie until it comes out on DVD so we have plenty of time. I am also doing some Advent reading and herbal remedies reading. I am looking forward to Advent. I have decided to start a year long project in Jaunary, I am going to start knitting a beekeepers' quilt. I picked the pattern from the Tiny Owl Knits.  


What are you knitting? 



  1. funny---i was just thinking about post-holiday knitting, too!!!! (we're addicts, right??)

  2. i LOVE knitting up that elf hat. i have made 8 of them for christmas. super easy and fun. lol
    the herbal book sounds good. :)

  3. I am definitely a knitting addict and my husband graciously puts up with it. I think it reminds him of his mom who was a knitter. I just can't pass up the hats even though I have a million other things to do :)

  4. I love that green yarn!!!!! That is a color I could wear again and again.

  5. What a lush green, love the yarn.

  6. Oh my, those hats are too cute!

  7. I just finished the Hobbit this week! Aren't you excited for the movie? That green yarn is a fantastic hue.


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