:: Weekends ::
We have had a busy weekend of preparations for the upcoming week and a visit from my parents for Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, we have been balancing on "the cliff" ( no not a fiscal cliff, sorry! I couldn't resist) between health and illness. But illness won and I have been playing nurse maid to the family. I have put my new home apothercary skills to work with several different herbal remedies. Everyone seems to be taking to this change in our home quite nicely and I think the remedies are really helping. I am falling into the role of mother as natual healer to my loved ones. For ages, women were the healers and conjurers of healing medicines for the sick and injured. It is deep in our souls to be nuturers and healers of our children and earth. I really can't explain the feeling but it almost primal. I'll keep using the remedies and save all those antibotics for the times when illness is serious.
(Wet Cough Tea Brew)
Thankfully, I am well which means lots of cooking, cleaning, and organzing for the upcoming week. I have baked a lot of bread and cleaned out the refrigator and pantry in preparation for Thanksgiving shopping. ( I hate grocery shopping with a passion so I am always wait until the last minute) I organized a Thanksgiving activity basket for the girls to use this week. ( more about that later this week) and I have been doing some more sewing. Both the doll quilts are almost done!
Hope everyone feels better soon. The quilt looks great!
ReplyDeletethank you! I can't wait to share the finished projects. I made the quilts and we bought handmade doll beds from an Etsy shop. I just need to find some reasonable priced dolls. Any suggestions? I'd like to buy handmade.