Yarn Along

Joining Ginny of Small Things

This morning I am still working on both the Shoreline lace shawl for myself and a ballet bag for my daughter. Knitting is going slowly these days since I am gearing up to open my shop on Etsy this fall. The good news is that I am on my second ball of yarn of the shawl so I am half way there! I am also beginning work on baby booties for some friends of mine who just had babies. I like having a bunch of different projects on the needles. I am still reading Big Stone Gap. I read before bed every night but it seems that lately I fall asleep after two minutes of reading. But as they say, slow and steady wins the race! What are you knitting this week? 

Happy Knitting! 


  1. Love your header photo! I fall asleep all the time while reading, I usually finish the book eventually. Lovely projects you have on the needles.

  2. The shawl is coming along. And the ballet bag looks great. I too am knitting for some babies who are arriving in the fall, baby knits are the best.

  3. Both projects look like they are coming along wonderfully! I so admire people who can have so many different projects going at once. If I leave one o go to another I either forget exactly where I was or some of the stitches have come off...lol


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