Monday Musings

Monday Musings

{at this moment} 

*enjoying: a relatively quiet moment with the girls as they finish up breakfast

*drinking: a cup of coffee that doesn't seem as satisfying anymore, I think it's time to switch to tea for a while.

*reading: Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani

*baking: some bread, what else is new! We do love homemade bread in this house.

*creating: handmade books with Miss E today. She likes to have little books that she carries with her. I am going to start on a new idea that just hit me this morning. I am hoping to add it to my Etsy shop inventory. I think it is time to take the plunge and open the shop.

*thinking: rearranging the furniture in our living room. I have this thing about furniture. I am also thinking about what a special package that we are sending to family friends will include. Any ideas?

*praying: for family friends who have a very sick little boy and are going through some very serious struggles right now. I wish we were closer but I know they have a wonderful family who supports them.  The best thing I can do is offer up my humble prayers to the Lord.

Sometimes Monday morning calls for chocolate chip pancakes. 


  1. Sounds like the perfect Monday morning. And yes, get on that Etsy shop!!!!


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