Yarn Along

joining Ginny of Small Things

Good Morning! 

We are all up nice and early this morning to see James off to work. So, this post goes up early today! If the shoreline lace shawl doesn't look any different that's because I didn't make any progress this week. I had been knitting along happily and then the other night it occurred to me that something was wrong with the pattern. Oh yes, I missed a row and had an incorrect amount of stitches on the needle. So- yesterday afternoon, I found a quiet place and began undoing all my hard work until I found the missed row. I was feeling a little defeated but I realized that life is like knitting, sometimes you have to go back and redo something because it wasn't done right. There will be a little hiccup in the shawl but it doesn't matter because it will be for my use only. As a result, my ballet bag for E has been on the sidelines but I made a little progress this week. It does look nice and I think it will be the perfect size for her. 

I am reading a new book by Adriana Trigiani entitled Big Stone Gap. It is pretty good so far and I wanted something light to read. I am also looking through a book I bought the other day entitled, The Children's Year. It is amazing and filled with a million ideas and activities for the family. I can't wait to try a few things with the girls. 

That's all for now...Happy Knitting! 


  1. Your view is breathtaking in your blog header--just lovely. The childrens year is a delightful book-wouldn;t it be nice to a knit along or a porject along, SO many ideas in one volume! Tinking back is so challenging with lace. But I love your perspective! Happy knitting!

  2. Beautiful lace knitting, shame you had to go back and re-do, but these things happen. Beautiful shoreline header, would love to be taking a stroll across that fantastic beach.lily

  3. Lace knitting is challenging but once you get going, the end result is fantastic! I cant wait to see your finished project.

  4. I think all knitters have been there done that!! It is beautiful and such a lovely color!!

  5. Been there Kathleen. Love your new header, beautiful!

  6. Thanks for your kind words. I visited each of your blogs today but didnt get chance to comment. It has been one of those days. I am glad everyone likes the blog header! I thought it might be too gloomy but I liked it anyway. We abruptly made a run for it after it was taken. Oh my, we are such a crazy family.


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