Monday Musings

{In the Moment}

I am...

*enjoying: the rain on the roof and the prospects of a lazy day indoors.

*drinking: a cup of Dunkin' Donuts Hazelnut coffee. It is a coffee kind of day.

*reading: The Brontes Went to Woolworths by Rachel Ferguson

* baking: all kinds of snack to store and freezer. Maple Popcorn, Homemade Frozen Pastries, and cookie bars. 

* creating: working on the quilt (still cutting squares) and finishing up linen napkins.

* thinking: about preparing for our visitors over the next month. Looking forward to spending time with our family.
* praying: a group of nuns who are traveling the country on "Nuns on the Bus" to promote social justice in the area of healthcare. 

rainy monday


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