About Me


I see a lot of people blogging and they have a page about who they are and what they believe. I have decided to share a little about myself.

I am an Irish Catholic. I am a wife of a naval officer. I am a mother of two little girls, I have decided to withhold their names to protect their identity and keep some things private. We both would like a large family and have hopes of continuing it in the future. I am also a doggie mama to our six year old dachshund, Scooter.

I am a student of history and religions. I am a student of dance and yoga.  I believe in whole foods, organics, and humanely treated meats. I believe in feeding my family good foods and local foods.

After the birth of my first little one, I fell in love with sewing and knitting and I taught myself.  I also love cooking, gardening, and reading.

Our Parenting Philosophy:
*we strive to teach our children to find the beauty in all people
* honor your elders
* speak and act kindly
* lead by example not just word

My Personal Philosophy:
*We must leave behind fears, prejudices, and anger to evolve. Only when we do this and love each other can we achieve great things.

Our plan for the future  is buy some land, build a home, and start a small farm with chickens and goats. Live the simple life while being self-sufficient.

We don't know where life will take us but with God all things are possible.

Feel free to contact me through the blog but please ask before taking content or pictures off of my blog! Do NOT use any pictures of my family. 



  1. Hey! Send me your email address and mailing address please! :)


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