We have a case of the Mondays....

We have a case of the Mondays...in a good way. I am not sure where I have gotten this sudden burst of energy but Monday was a rather productive and fun day with the girls. We're always trying new things and Monday was no exception. These are the days that I love being a stay at home mama.

The beginnings of banana bread with walnuts and chocolate chips made by our oldest. 

She poured all the ingredients by herself....totally impressed. 

We made applesauce too! 

I've enacted sing a long time at our house...we enjoy it. 

Post dinner drawing time 

Needless to say, we accomplished a lot in the eyes of this Mama on Monday which makes me feel good since my main focus is to give our girls as many wonderful childhood memories as possible. All while teaching them about life. I forget that with the hectic nature of our lives that these days are fleeting and they will only be little for such a short time. So, I just want to soak it all up. Even now as I type my oldest is dancing and painting...yes at the same time. Maybe she'll grow up to be a painting ballerina. Who knows but right now I am just going to enjoy these moments.


  1. And what lovely moments they are, thanks for sharing.My little man and I did some baking today, so much fun with little ones, even if the mess to clean up is a little larger :)


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