into the woods...

We went up into the woods/mountains this past week and enjoyed the wonders of life in the Blue Ridge/Appalachian mountains. We did not "rough it" on any terms but rather stayed in a lovely cabin provided by Devils Fork State Park. It was such a different experience of us and it almost jarred my senses to be somewhere so quiet. Even though we have two small children, I was able to reflect and contemplate while overlooking the lake. It is the perfect time of year to re-awaken your senses and spiritual self while reconnecting with loved ones. The next 8 weeks are filled with travel, shopping, preparing, wrapping, cooking, and merriment that this little time in the woods provided us a quiet space. The landscape opened its arms and welcomed us into a time of slow living and for this I am grateful. My mind and soul feels renewed just in time for one of the most demanding times of the year. Thankfully, that little time in the mountains allowed me to place the true reason for Thanksgiving and Christmas in the front of my mind.


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