Bread Making during Hurricane Irene

We have been gone for quite awhile but we're back!

September is quickly approaching and I am eagerly anticipating cooler days and the sights of Fall unfortunately in the South we must wait a little longer for such changes. Even though cool air and chilly temps slowly creeps into our lives here that does not stop me from starting to change my home into a cozy place where my family will spend the short days and long nights. ( Believe it or not, it does get cold here and will even snow here once in a while) My thoughts begin to move toward harvesting the remainder of our garden, freezing beans and berries, picking out patterns for Halloween costumes, knitting warm woolen items, and bread-making.

Bread-making is one of my all-time favorite activities to do at home with my girls or alone. There is something simplistic and ancient in bread-making. People have nourished themselves with wheat and their kin through the process of bread-making for centuries. It is a process which ties us to each other despite cultural differences. In our home, freshly baked bread does not last long because someone always sneaks in for a "taste".  I don't use a bread machine or any fancy gadgets just my two hands. It is quite easy and delicious. Below are some of my favorite bread baking books and the most recent loaves to grace our pantry. 

Bread-Making Books:

* Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes A Day Jeff Hertzberg, Zoë François, Mark Luinenburg
* The Tassajara Bread Book- Edward Espe Brown 
* The River Cottage Family Cookbook Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, Fizz Carr, Simon Wheeler

European Peasant Loaves: 

Found in Artisan Bread in 5 Minutes a Day Cookbook (pg. 46-47)


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