Summer & Gardening

We are currently in the throes of a South Carolina summer with heat, humidity, and sun. But with the oppressive temperatures comes an abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits. Everything from the tangy, earthy tomato to the juicy, sweet peach. It is most definitely my favorite time of year to eat and cook fresh suppers for my family.

In an attempt to be thrifty and green, we have been diligently using our local farmers market and CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) group while buying our usual organics and grass-fed, antibotic free meats and fish. Yes, we joined the organic movement a few years ago and while some scoff at the idea of organics, to us everything just tastes better! I think I should give credit to Michael Pollan and his writings for getting me to think about what my family eats.

My husband and I have also embarked on our own farming experiement by growing an organic garden. We both grew up with parents who labored over summer gardens both vegetable and flower gardens every summer. Many of my fondest childhood memories are of my parents working in the garden. So, we jumped in and started planting seeds and plants. James calls it our "experimental" garden because we are still learning what grows well in the heat of the south and what does not. When we planted the garden in early April I was fairly skeptical about the project and my expectations for a vibrant garden were low. But once again, nature has renewed my reverance for the natural world. Our garden grew and grew eventually outgrowing our little plot. We have enjoyed tomatoes, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, squash, peppers ( both green and hot), strawberries, and various herbs. James has now planted a second crop of green beans, beets, and zinnias that will arrive in late September. Our neighbors are in awe that we could so much in such a small area. It has reaffirmed my belief that everyone can grow a garden even if it is small. You don't need a 100 acres or farming experience (although I have to say that farming is in my blood) to grow tasty vegetables.

Below are some of my favorite pictures of our garden.


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